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Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy outlines what information we capture from our visitors, and how we use and process this information.

Changes to this policy

We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy where we deem necessary. We will do this without warning, and publish the updated privacy policy on our website. The effective date of the privacy policy will be when the policy is uploaded to the website.

By continuing to use our website, you agree to be bound by the then current version of our privacy policy.

Information Captured

Through normal use of our website, we capture page visits, links clicked and searches performed. This excludes any personally identifiable information.

Price Alerts

If you create a price alert, we capture the following information; email address, IP address, date and time. We may also capture the desired price of the selected product, if you advise us of this price.

This information is used to automatically send you an email if the price of the specified product lowers, or, if provided, when your desired price is met.

To confirm that you genuinely requested the notification, we include your IP address, as well as the date and time of the request, in the email notification.

Information Sharing

We do not share your personally identifiable information outside of Gueek Ltd.

Age Restrictions

We do not ask for the age of a user at any period during their visit.

Third Parties

We use Google Analytics to capture details about our users and gain a better understanding of how visitors use our website. Details about your IP address and user agent may be captured by Google Analytics for the purpose of statistic collection, however none of this information can identify individual users to this website.


The only cookies our website uses are provided by Google Analytics. More information about cookie use can be found on Google's privacy policies.


You may, at any time, request we unsubscribe you from one or all price alerts. This will remove your entry from our alert records.

To request removal, enter your email address and we will send you an unsubscribe link. You will also find this same link in the footer of any previously sent emails.
